These in the hoop masks are super fun! You can create an easy DIY costume in a snap, so if you are a procrastinator like I am these sure come in handy. All of our masks come in two sizes so they are perfect for little ones and adults. These are made entirely in the hoop and just need a bit of elastic or ribbon to stay on. We use craft foam as the base and wouldn’t suggest anything over 2mm thick.

Craft Foam 2mm thick
Tear Away Stabilizer
Fabric: The skies the limit! We have used cotton, lame, craft felt and even canvas.
Elastic or Ribbon


Hoop the tear away stabilizer and sew step one. This is the die line for entire project.







Place the foam over the die line. Cut it a bit larger than the die line.







Next, place your fabric over the craft foam.







Now sew step two. This is the tack down for the entire project. Cut the excess fabric around the kitty and in the eyes. Leave the foam in tact.





Sew step three which is the satin stitch around the kitty including the eyes and ribbon holes. Sew step four which is the whiskers and the eyebrows. Sew step five which is the stitched parts of the nose and ears. And there you have it, an instant costume!